Our team through the eyes of the commander-in-chief Radek Chaloupka

Adam Zlatohlávek
Butcher, shift chief
Adam came to Naše Maso right after its opening. At first, he was a bit of a dandy, so we had to put him in line. Today, he is a mature, responsible and principled boy, thanks to whom I have a good night's sleep over the holidays because I know that everything at work will be taken care of.

Martin "Ozzy" Zavoďan
Martin is originally a musician, he even has a degree in it! He plays the tuba in the band Circus Brothers. He originally came to us as a part-time worker, for whom cooking was a hobby. He developed into a precise chef who invents new dishes and is able to cope with the cramped conditions in our butcher shop. He is extremely responsible, sometimes too much - at times I hold it against him, that he tries to do everything himself and doesn't delegate.

Dana Přikrylová
Sales assistant at the Passage, e-shop
Our girl from the arcade! I call her a "check controller" because nothing goes past her without her making sure ten times that it’s right. In short, when Danča is at work, everything turns out well. She is just as attentive to the regulars - she remembers most of them by name.

Honza Valenta
Butcher at the cutting plant
There is nothing more to be said about him but that he is a good boy! I've never seen him angry. When I take a new colleague through the operation and tell them about safety pitfalls and the need to wear protective equipment, I cite him as an example of a rule-disobeying rascal who almost snipped off his balls with a knife. But everything turned out well and Honza has a beautiful daughter. He never refuses to help. He's also from a butcher's family and sometimes assists his dad.

Roman Lakomý
Chief butcher, foreman
If anyone can be said to be a true butcher, it's our Roman. He doesn't mess around with anything, he says and does things without sugarcoating and pretty loud, too. Sometimes it's hard to handle. But this is balanced a thousandfold by Roman's incredible diligence, craftsmanship and reliability. He's one of the most meticulous butchers I've ever met!

Zita Švihelová
Assistant of the sausage counter
She has fled from us twice already - and then returned. When I accepted her back, I wanted to make a little fuss, but I couldn't do much, because having Zita behind the counter is a win. She is the best at selling sausages, she has everything in perfect order and the most guests go to her. She also has two great children - her son plays football for Březiněves and her daughter works as a nurse at ARO.
Naše maso
Dlouhá 39
110 00 Prague 1
+420 604 237 533
+420 703 193 936
You can reach us by telephone from Monday to Friday between 8 and 10 a.m. Or write to us at ereznictvi@ambi.cz – we will answer within 24 hours.
We accept:
Ticket Restaurant, Gastro Pass, Cheque Déjeuner
We do not take reservations
Opening hours butcheryMon–Thu | 11.00-22.00 |
Fri–Sat | 10.00-22.00 |
Opening hours Passage
Mon–Fri | 08.00-18.00 |
Sat | 08.00-16.00 |